Sunday, August 17, 2008

Three Weeks and Counting!

Three weeks into the revamped Connections worship service, I've a few impressions I would like to share.

Strong Attendance--We're averaging about ninety-two participants each week. That's an outstanding beginning. Guests are joining us in each service as well. We're trying to make contact with each guest, while not making a nusiance of ourselves.

A Hard-Working Team--The planning team has met weekly to talk through ideas for each service. The readings, video clips, drama/monologues, lighting, props and a good bit of the music we've experienced have emerged from these conversations. The worship team and others meet each week to rehearse as well. Our greeters and ushers have been in their places on time, warmly welcoming both members and guests. Connections Worship is a team effort.

More to Come--Phil Potratz and Vickie Willis will soon start to put together our Connect Teams, groups with a mission to connect to guests and members and build fellowship. If you are interested in helping, contact either Phil or Vickie. Don't be too surprised if one of them calls you.

We're also planning the next sermon series, looking toward a service built around the Lord's Supper, and thinking about Advent (yes, it will be here before you know it!).

A Request--Pray that the worship services will continue to glorify God and reach additional persons for God. Take personal responsiblity to meet and get to know guests (or even members you've not met yet). Arrive early and stay late each week. Partnering with one another, and never forgetting to rely upon God, we will connect with God, one another, and God's work in the world.